Teleopti TEM AB, a global provider of solutions for Telecom Expense Management releases its new version of Teleopti Pro.
The new version of Teleopti Pro will provide Teleopti´s customers with the possibility to report on everything from Costs, Quality of Experience, Service Levels and Asset Management across a wider range of their IT, Telecom and Unified Communication environments.
“We are extremely proud of Teleopti Pro version 8 which has been developed in close cooperation with our customers. We see an accelerating deployment of new ways of communication with support for Unified Communication and other efficiency-enhancing features. This together with increasingly mobile ways of working makes the need for monitoring usage, quality and costs even more important. Our new release is part of this trend and gives our customers a dynamic platform that is both powerful and innovative. Teleopti Pro version 8 will ensure that our clients have an effective solution to support their business in the best possible manner, both for today's communications investments, and those that we know are prepared for the future”, says Kjell Persovin, CEO Teleopti TEM AB.
New look and feel
At first glance one will notice that the look and feel of the product has changed significantly. The use of a new web framework has enabled changes in the navigation, making it much more intuitive and also helping to improve the overall system performance.

Take control of Unified Communications (UC)
With UC reporting you will be able to track costs, usage, and the quality of experience of your UC solution which can provide significant financial benefits through efficiency improvements!
New reports and report structure
The new reporting structure provides a user friendly overview of all of the available reports in one place, whether you are focusing on Costs, Service Level, Asset Management or UC statistics.

Get the most out of your data
Using the new search functionality you will be able to create separate “containers” of objects, organisation groups or persons based upon you search results. This enables reporting based not only on the organisation hierarchy but on any cross functional structure.
For more information, contact:
Contact: Johan Flink, Product Manager
Phone: +46 709 21 81 33